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Talk: The Scottish Fishwife and Her Identity

Talk: The Scottish Fishwife and Her Identity

15 March 2024 7:03 - 15 March 2024

Join Margaret Ritchie and delve into the image and identities of Scotland’s fishwives.

Based on her oral history research with retired Fisherrow fishwives, Margaret will share how important their clothes, both working and dress outfits, were in creating their occupational identities. She will also share stories of the working lives of these independent businesswomen. This is also a final opportunity to see our exhibition ‘Yellow Butterflies’ before it closes on the 18th March. This event is a chance to hear snippets from Margaret’s interviews with Scottish fishwives and a chance to ask any questions you have.

A relaxed event to which anyone is welcome and refreshments will be available.

Friday 15th March 7.00pm - 8.30pm


Book in advance but some tickets will be available on the day

Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or for more information.

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The Scottish Fisheries Museum Trust Ltd
St Ayles, Harbourhead, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3AB
Tel (within UK): 01333 310628
Tel (from outside UK): +44 1333 310628
Charity Number: SC 006185 VAT Reg Number: 270 2790 64
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