Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some fun activities to ease us into the week..
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some fun activities to ease us into the week..
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
From Wednesday 12th – Sunday 23rd February join us for the Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels Trail, organised by Kids in Museums and Little Tiger. The national trail for families is inspired by Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels by Ruth Lauren – a fun, feminist adventure series for children aged 9 – 12.
Tourmaline’s strange new magical powers are causing chaos and she desperately wants to know how to control them. When she receives a mysterious postcard promising her answers, she sets off on an unforgettable adventure to the Museum of Marvels.
Pick up a free activity sheet to join in at the Scottish Fisheries Museum. Search for Tourmaline, her friends and an assortment of magical objects hiding in the museum. Complete the spotter trail and get a free Tourmaline sticker!
Children can also design their very own Museum of Marvels. Three winning designs will win a signed Tourmaline book bundle and a National Art Pass (plus kids) courtesy of Art Fund – giving one adult plus children under 16 free entry to hundreds of museums, galleries and historic houses across the UK as well as 50% off major exhibitions! Full competition terms and conditions: https://bit.ly/tourmalinetrail
For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org.
Drop into Kipper’s Kids’ Zone where you’ll find a welcoming space to relax this Half Term break. Have a go at some simple arts and crafts, read some books, try some puzzles, play with some toys and see what awesome things you can spot in the museum on the way!
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org.
Join award winning poet Garry MacKenzie for this workshop to create poetry and play with language through collage poetry!
Collage poetry is creating new works by using already written phrases and building something new. This playful form helps explore how to construct writing and how the collage form can affect how it is read. We will take inspiration from our temporary exhibition ‘Buckhaven’s Hidden Harbour’ and use phrases about the fishing industry and what life was like for those who have jobs at sea and on shore.
Everyone welcome. Family friendly. Recommend for children 8 years and older.
For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org. We are grateful to The Scottish Book Trust for funding this workshop through Live Literature Funding.
Drop into Kipper’s Kids’ Zone where you’ll find a welcoming space to relax this Half Term break. Have a go at some simple arts and crafts, read some books, try some puzzles, play with some toys and see what awesome things you can spot in the museum on the way!
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some fun activities to ease us into the week..
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Pop into the Scottish Fisheries Museum this World Gaelic Week for this fun interactive session. Learn more about Scotland’s herring girls. Dress up as a fisherlass or fisherlad, sing some songs and learn some Gaelic words while gutting our fabric fish! See how many you can gut in a minute. This event is perfect for families looking for a unique and interactive experience.
This is one of a series of events happening in Anstruther celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig
Book via Eventbrite here For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, fisherfolk from all over Scotland came through Fife as they were following the herring. Women who worked as herring gutters sang in Gaelic as they worked in ports along the east coast. At this event, Meg Hyland will share examples of Gaelic songs sung by herring gutters of this era and discuss the linguistic and musical exchange that happened between speakers of Gaelic, Scots and English in the fishing industry. The audience will learn some songs and are welcome to join in the singing (but this is not compulsory).
Refreshments available by donation.
This event was organised in partnership with Fife Council and the Scottish Fisheries Museum to celebrate Seachdain na Gàidhlig. It is one of a series of events happening in Anstruther.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some fun activities to ease us into the week..
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some fun activities to ease us into the week..
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Be sure to say hello to the Boats Club volunteers if you’re there, and get a closer look on board.
Find out more about the Festival at: “https://stbfportsoy.org/":https://stbfportsoy.org/
More information about the Johnshaven Fish Festival can be found here.
Scottish Fisheries Museum, Memorial Room
If you would like to attend to commemorate a family member or friend lost to the sea, please contact the museum on 01333 310628 or enquiries@scotfishmuseum.org for further details.
This talk has been developed to compliment the newly fitted star plates as part of our ongoing lighting project in the Zulu Gallery, which takes inspiration from SDS Surveys and the Apache Point Observatory.
This talk is free to attend, with donations for teas and coffees.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Book online at: https://the-scottish-fisheries-museum.arttickets.org.uk/the-scottish-fisheries-museum/2023-02-02-stars-constellations-and-how-not-to-get-lost
or on the door on the night.
On a clear, dark night there are more than a thousand stars out there that we can see, without even having to use a telescope! To help us recognise and make sense of all these stars, we made patterns out of them on the sky: constellations. But what are these constellations, and how do they change over the course of a year? Does everyone on Earth see the same constellations? And how have for centuries the stars helped those at sea to navigate safely back home? That are some of the questions we will answer this evening.
Join us on Zoom for a friendly get together to share your knitting projects, ask questions and enjoy a gansey gaggle!
Contact jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information and the Zoom details to join. Already on our mailing list? The link will arrive in your inbox soon!
More information on knitting and fishing at https://scottishgansey.org.uk/. Knitters of all abilities welcome.
We look forward to seeing you!
The programme is FREE, all we ask is that you can attend all four dates. Participants will generate original content that will form part of a themed exhibition within the Scottish Fisheries Museum.
No previous experience needed; all materials provided.
Under the umbrella of National Historic Ships UK, Shipshape Scotland brings together traditional skills, services and facilities across the nation’s 32 council areas. The Scottish Fisheries Museum is the Shipshape Scotland Hub and offers a range of activities and services available to local historic vessel owners, skilled craftsmen, businesses, heritage organisations, training bodies and maritime enthusiasts
Our first Shipshape Hub event will be held at the Museum in Anstruther over two days: on Saturday 11th March there will be a programme of talks and presentations with lunch, tea, and coffee provided, and the option to join us for dinner in the evening. On Sunday 12th, we have a morning of tours and demonstrations in the Boatyard, on board the Reaper, to see the Manx Beauty, and a special sound installation by Gail McGarva within the museum.
Conference Fee: £12 covers all presentations, lunch, refreshments, and tours.
Optional Saturday dinner from £24.50 (£10 deposit payable at time of booking).
Please see the full programme and book online at: Eventbrite
This audio portrait of Georgie McDonald is part of an audio collection ‘All boats have a story to tell’. The collection seeks to shine a light on endangered working boats and their special place in our maritime heritage. The creator of the collection is Gail McGarva, a traditional wooden boat builder with a particular passion for working boats. Gail specialising in building replicas or she prefers to call them ‘daughterboats’ breathing life into a new generation of traditional craft.
Using items found on Anstruther beach, we will create a home to protect a seabird chick that is the last of its kind! Discover what types of items the tide leaves on local beaches and if these are safe for birds to use to make their nests.
This workshop includes beach combing so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. If adverse weather is forecast the workshop will go ahead indoors. Children must be over 8 years of age and accompanied by an adult.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place. We will meet at the Sun Tavern.
This workshop is inspired by our temporary exhibition ‘Plastic Tide’ opening 1st April.
The Scottish Fisheries Museum hits the road this April and joins up with lots of other local organisations for a fun activity day in Crail Community Hall, to inspire families to get Active in the East Neuk. We’ll be encouraging visitors to our stall to head beach-wards over the Easter Holidays and look for both beautiful seabirds and not so beautiful plastic. Find out how you can help remove plastic from our shorelines to improve the habitat for local wildlife and humans alike!
The activities are inspired by our temporary exhibition ‘Plastic Tide’ opening Saturday 1st April.
Let’s get crafty this Easter! Join us for some fun Easter themed crafts over the Easter Holidays. Free fun activities for all the family.
Free with general museum admission but donations towards materials always welcome.
Join us for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from the atmospheric attic of our Fishermen’s Cottage.
Drop-in event. No need to book. Free with general museum admission
Some naughty Spring chickens have escaped the nest and are roaming the museum galleries! Help us track them down in this fun free trail over the school holidays. Running during museum opening hours.
Free with general museum admissions.
Join us for some fun celebration themed crafts that you will be royally proud of! Free fun activities for all the family.
Free with general museum admission but donations towards materials always welcome.
Be inspired by the weaving in the sculpture ‘Climate Change: The Plastic Age’ by Gail McGregor and upcycle your waste into a coaster or two!
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
Seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from the atmospheric attic of our Fishermen’s Cottage!
Free with general museum admission.
This free interactive workshop explores climate change, the ocean, plastic and its effect on marine life. Discuss with your peers what you can do to reduce your waste and impact on the climate.
All materials provided. Aimed at young people but open to all ages and families welcome.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
Most of us have big brand cleaning products in our homes, but have you ever thought about making your own? Come along and have some fun making an eco-friendly product for your home and take home some recipes to try yourself. Inspired by our current exhibition ‘Plastic Tide’.
All materials provided.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
We are partnering with Youth 1st and Climate Action Fife for a beach clean at Castle Street Beach. We will have litter pickers, bags and clipboards but if you have your own please bring them as numbers will be limited.
Unlike other litter picks you might have done we will be collecting a survey of the litter collected. These surveys are the most important part of the day other than having some fun on the beach with like minded people.
The survey data will be collated by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS). MCS have has been running beach cleans and their flagship event, Great British Beach Clean, for 25 years. Every year, staff and volunteers head to beaches up and down the coast to collect litter and record data about what they find, contributing to citizen science. So far 319 tonnes of litter at the Great British Beach Clean events have been collected. This informs various projects MCS are involved with, and is shared with the International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) contributing to a worldwide report on litter levels. All this data has helped inform new policies to tackle beach litter and plastic pollution in the UK such as the plastic bag charge, a ban on microplastics in personal care products and better wet wipe labelling.
What to bring: We’d recommend you pack a rucksack with a few essentials like sunscreen, waterproofs, hand sanitiser, and perhaps some snacks and a drink (in a reusable bottle, of course).
What to wear: If you’re picking up litter with your hands it’s worth wearing a strong pair of gloves - like gardening gloves - just to make sure you’re protected. Sturdy shoes are a must for protection too.
Under 16s: Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Outside, across the weekend, there will be food, drink, craft and charity stalls lining the folly, yachts mustering in the water, children’s entertainers and live bands including headliners the Coal Town Daisies, plus the Scottish premier of the film “Wind Tide and Oar” rounding off the festival at the Dreel Halls.
Are you beach-ready for the holidays??!
Come and decorate your own Victorian swimsuit to get you in the mood for sun, sea and sand this summer!
Discover what people used to wear for going for a dip in the sea and design your own colourful costume or just have some arty fun!
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Are you beach-ready for the holidays??!
Another chance to come and decorate your own Victorian swimsuit to get you in the mood for sun, sea and sand this summer!
Discover what people used to wear for going for a dip in the sea and design your own colourful costume or just have some arty fun!
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist!
Free with general museum admission.
Let’s get crafty this Summer! Join us and create some colourful sea creatures in clay, and put them central stage in our ‘Under the Sea’ theatre’. A relaxing and fun activities for all the family.
Free but donations towards materials always welcome.
Be inspired by the colours used by artists featured in our art exhibition to express your mood in a medium of your choice! Comfortable and relaxed atmosphere with other ASN families. NO pressure, NO expectations, NO judgement just a warm welcome and space to have some arty fun.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
Be inspired by the colours used by artists featured in our art exhibition to express your mood in a medium of your choice! Create your own museum masterpiece to take home or just have some arty fun.
All materials provided. Open to all ages. Are you an ASN family? If so a more relaxed version of this event is on Tuesday 25th July. See our events page for more details.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
Let’s get crafty this Summer! Join us and have some relaxing fun at our pop-up arts and crafts table in the Zulu Gallery.
Free but donations towards materials always welcome.
To tie in with our current exhibition ‘The Solway Hoard’, we are partnering with Fife Communities Climate Action Network for a beach clean at Castle Street Beach. We will have litter pickers, bags and clipboards but if you have your own please bring them as numbers will be limited.
Unlike other litter picks you might have done we will be collecting a survey of the litter collected. These surveys are the most important part of the day other than having some fun on the beach with like minded people.
The survey data will be collated by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS). MCS have has been running beach cleans and their flagship event, Great British Beach Clean, for 25 years. Every year, staff and volunteers head to beaches up and down the coast to collect litter and record data about what they find, contributing to citizen science. So far 319 tonnes of litter at the Great British Beach Clean events have been collected. This informs various projects MCS are involved with, and is shared with the International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) contributing to a worldwide report on litter levels. All this data has helped inform new policies to tackle beach litter and plastic pollution in the UK such as the plastic bag charge, a ban on microplastics in personal care products and better wet wipe labelling.
What will I learn? An opportunity to learn about how citizen science projects like ‘Great British Beach Clean’ can be used to gather data and influence policy.
Where is the event taking place?: Meet at the Scottish Fisheries Museum until 10:05. If you arrive later head straight to the beach at the end of Castle Street. There will be a large flag demarking the start of the stretch
What to bring: We’d recommend you pack a rucksack with a few essentials like waterproofs, hand sanitiser, and perhaps some snacks and a drink (in a reusable bottle, of course).
What to wear: If you’re picking up litter with your hands it’s worth wearing a strong pair of gloves - like gardening gloves - just to make sure you’re protected. Sturdy shoes are a must for protection too.
Under 16s: Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Join us and have some relaxing fun at the museum this half term!
Join Kipper for storytime in our atmospheric Fisherman’s Cottage Attic
Explore our art collection with a conservator’s hat on and then make decisions to create your own artwork to take home. BOOK HERE
Join us and other groups for some family fun at the next roadshow. We will be making pumpkin pom poms and silver darlings!
Join our Assistant Curator to explore our collection up close! Get hands-on with museum objects and have a go at some of the activities our curators do to care for our objects.
Drop-in for this sensory activity. Get hands-on with our collection and discover the dangers that threaten the survival of objects.
Join us for a spooky Halloween at the Museum!
Free but donations towards materials always welcome.
Have a go at our “Kipper the Cat’s Maths Trail” as you tour the museum galleries. Join Kipper as he embarks on his first fishing trip, solving puzzles along the way and explore the different ways in which fishermen use maths both in the past and today. Suitable for ages 8-12.
Available 23 - 29 September
Calling all Teachers! We also have a schools self-led version of the trail so why not visit the museum with your class and find out how maths was important to the lives and livelyhoods of fishermen. Contact us to arrange your visit.
This event is part of Maths Week Scotland. Find more ideas for family activities on the Maths Week website or follow the hashtag to inspire maths-themed curiosity!
ring-net is a sequence of poems charting the rise and fall of the fishing industry in the Firth of Forth. It explores the natural history of the Forth and the culture of its fishing communities, as well as reflecting upon how the decline of Scottish fisheries relates to wider contemporary environmental issues.
Garry will be reading from ring-net and talking about the ideas and influences behind the poems. After the reading he will be signing copies of the limited-edition chapbook.
Commenting on ring-net, poet Andrew McNeillie writes:
In this little collection, Garry MacKenzie nets his poems before our eyes, and shoots his metaphors into the deep, with rare and miraculous-seeming precision. He is a moving metaphysician, a meditative net-maker. But his poems are firmly tethered too in the material reality of history. The poems may be read as oblique environmental commentary, regarding the decline of our fisheries. Primarily they are works of verbal art, of exciting virtuosity and striking imagery.
Copies will be for sale at the reading and afterwards in the Scottish Fisheries Museum shop. You can also buy ring-net at: www.clutagpress.com/product/no-6-ring-net-by-garry-mackenzie/.
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to low attendance. Love art but are not an expert? Find art fun and therapeutic? - you are in good company!
Be inspired by the beautiful paintings in our current exhibition and create your own soothing seascape to help you unwind after a long week at work. A relaxed no-pressure event where you can create as much art as you want and just have a blether with your friends.
Refreshments and all art materials are provided.
Book in advance (some on the door tickets are available) For more information please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org.
A final opportunity to see our ‘Cool, Calm and Collections’ exhibition before it closes on the 29th October at what’s sure to be a lively and interesting dip into the world of Maritime Art with two experts from St Andrews University. This ‘in conversation’ event is your chance to hear from Dr Jeremy Howard and Joe Boyd about their research into Maritime Art and a chance to ask any questions you have.
A relaxed event to which anyone is welcome and refreshments will be available.
Please contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Explore our art collection with a conservator’s hat! Discover how conservators make decisions by looking at museum artworks. Then join us in our Education centre and make your own decisions to create your own artwork to take home or just have some arty fun.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join our Assistant Curator to explore our collection up close! Get hands-on with museum objects and have a go at some of the activities our curators do to care for and record them.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Get hands-on with objects from the museum collection and discover the dangers that threaten the survival of objects. Open to all ages.
Join us for a spooky Halloween at the Museum! Did you know the museum has a friendly ghost cat? This inspired us to create our character Kipper the Cat who you see around the galleries. Let’s get crafty this Halloween and make your own Kipper the Cat or his friend Sooty the steam drifter Cat to take home.
Join us for a spooky Halloween at the Museum! Follow the pumpkins around the galleries to discover the stories and spirits lurking in the shadows of our historic buildings. Look out for hidden Halloween characters on the way!
Want to find out more about museums? Join us over four weeks in November and December and meet museum staff and explore our collections up close. Get hands-on with museum objects, up close to our boats, and discover what threatens the preservation of museum collections.
What will I get out of it?
What the museum offers
Open to anyone 11 - 19 years old.
Explore why you think museums matter (or not) and learn how we decide what objects to add to our collection.
Learn how to handle objects from the museum collection and why we handle these with extra care. Learn how we label museum objects (it’s not as easy as you think!).
Join our Boat Club volunteers who will share how they care for our historic boats like the Reaper. Have a go at caulking, ropework and other traditional skills. Also, have a tour of the Reaper (weather permitting).
Swab the decks with our Assistant Curator by getting up close to our historic boats. Learn why and how we clean the largest objects in our collection.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
These activities are funded through IMS Powering Our People Project
Ahead of Remembrance Day and taking inspiration from the lovely sea glass windows in our Memorial Room and Safety at Sea galleries, join us to make your own stained glass inspired suncatcher to take home.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from our atmospheric fishermans loft!
Free - ask at Reception for directions
We are heading west across the burn to visit our friends the Anstruther Improvements Association, running outreach activities related to our winter exhibition “Yellow Butterflies” at their Dreel Babies and Toddlers and Dreel Friends events in Dreel Halls.
Dreel Babies is a friendly social group for local parents, carers, babies and toddlers. All are welcome.
Please contact Julia Priestley on 07497 370556 or Katherine on 07815 750251 to ask about joining
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
We are heading west across the burn to visit our friends the Anstruther Improvements Association, running outreach activities related to our winter exhibition “Yellow Butterflies” at their Dreel Babies and Toddlers and Dreel Friends events in Dreel Halls.
Anyone of any age is welcome to join this lovely community coffee morning with Book Stall, kids toys/crafts and a story for Book Week Scotland… or just enjoy hot drinks, home-baking and a blether!
Please contact Julia Priestley on 07497 370556 or Katherine on 07815 750251 to ask about joining
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
We all have our favourite bathtime brand, but have you ever thought about making your own? Leave the kids at home and just relax and have a blether while trying our hand at making some eco-friendly bath bombs! Give them as a Christmas gift or treat yourself.
Refreshments will be provided and all materials will be supplied.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org to book your place.
Please Note: Your creations will time need to dry so you won’t be able to take them away on the night. Just let us know when you would like to pick them up and we will have them ready for you.
This is a chance for our Gansey Knit and Natter group - launched as part of our ‘Knitting the Herring’ Project during lockdowns of winters past - to get together for an annual catch-up to celebrate International Gansey Day on 23rd November.
Anyone is welcome to join this group. The meeting will be held over Zoom.
Please contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information on how to take part.
Let’s get festive and create your own wrapping paper! Have a go at block printing using our festive stamps or create your own. Design your own wrapping paper to take home. We will provide white craft paper, but if you would like to bring your own special or premium paper to use please do.
All materials provided. Aimed at children aged 5 years old and upwards.
Please Note: This workshop could be messy so old clothes you don’t mind getting dirty are recommended.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join us for a festive Museum Trail! Kipper the Cat is getting into the holiday spirit. He is getting tangled in the tinsel and is dressing up! Can you find all his hiding places in our galleries?
It’s never too early for festive crafts. Join us for some festive crafts at the Museum. Drop-In anytime between 1.30pm and 3.00pm and have some messy arts and crafts fun!
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Come to the Waves Café on Friday 15th December and see Santa. He might even have a small gift just for you! Pop into the cafe between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm and maybe do some Christmas shopping in our shop, or follow our festive trail around the museum while you are here.
Join us and have some fun gluing fabric on pegs to create your own peg person! Be inspired by traditional fishwife outfits you see in our current exhibition ‘Yellow Butterflies. Drop-In anytime between 2.00pm and 4.00pm and have some messy arts and crafts fun!
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
We have some great kid’s friendly costumes for the kids to dress up in this in-service day! A selection of our school and family dressing-up box will be available for Museum visitors young and old to try on. Be inspired by the costumes in our current exhibition ‘Yellow Butterlies’ and get into character as a fishwife, fisherlass or fisherman. Drop-In anytime between 10.30am and 12.30.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Pop into the Scottish Fisheries Museum and explore why working songs were an important part of life for Herring Lasses and fishing communities. Have a go at singing some songs and learn some Gaelic words while gutting our fabric fish! See how many you can gut in a minute.
The workshop is being led Meg Hyland who has researched the role of music in the lives of Scottish herring girls. This event is funded through Seachdain na Gàidhlig Small Grants Funding and is part of a wider series of events in Anstruther for World Gaelic Day 2024.
All materials provided. Everyone Welcome.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
The Scottish Fisheries Museum is grateful to Seachdain na Gàidhlig for supporting this event through their Small Grants Fund. This is one of a series of events happening in Anstruther celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig. Seachdain na Gàidhlig is organised by Scottish traditional culture and music organisation Hands Up For Trad, with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland.
Air a mhaoineachadh le Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig // Funded by Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s Small Grants Fund with support from Bòrd an Gàidhlig
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from our atmospheric fishermans loft!
Free - ask at Reception for directions
We have left some Valentine crafts on our Art Cart. As part of your visit pull up a chair and have a go at making a Valentine Basket or Card for someone special. Baskets were an important piece of equipment for Fishwives to carry the catch when selling it. Have a go at weaving a mini heart basket. Instructions and materials will be provided. Stop off as part of your museum visit.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Investigate the wonderful wildlife connected to our collections as part of a trail organised by Kids in Museums and Walker Books. The egg-citing national family trail celebrates the release of Feather, the latest book in the Twitchers Series from bestselling children’s author M. G. Leonard.
Join birdwatching detectives the Twitchers and explore the beautiful birds and amazing sea creatures at the Museum - it’s not just fish! Pick up a free activity sheet to join in and have a hoot with your family. Find all the feathered friends hidden in the collection and make your own family pledge to protect local wildlife. Complete the trail and get a free Twitchers sticker!
Families will also have the chance to enter a caw-some national prize draw competition to win one of five bundles of all four books in the Twitchers Series. Kids in Museums is inviting children to design their own bird or animal sidekick and share their drawing on Twitter/X or Instagram with the hashtag #TwitchersMuseumAdventure and tag @kidsinmuseums for a chance to win.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, fisherfolk from all over Scotland came through Fife as they were following the herring. Women who worked as herring gutters sang in Gaelic as they worked in ports along the east coast. At this event, Meg Hyland will share examples of Gaelic songs sung by herring gutters of this era and discuss the linguistic and musical exchange that happened between speakers of Gaelic, Scots and English in the fishing industry. The audience will learn some songs and are welcome to join in the singing (but this is not compulsory).
The Scottish Fisheries Museum is grateful to Seachdain na Gàidhlig for supporting this event through their Small Grants Fund. This is one of a series of events happening in Anstruther celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig. Seachdain na Gàidhlig is organised by Scottish traditional culture and music organisation Hands Up For Trad, with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Air a mhaoineachadh le Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig // Funded by Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s Small Grants Fund with support from Bòrd an Gàidhlig
In the dramatic setting of our Zulu Gallery, harpist and composer Esther Swift will create an atmospheric evocation of the story of the Zulu fishing fleets, once ubiquitous in East Scotland.
The Zulu was invented in 1879 (also the year of the Anglo-Zulu War, hence…) and swiftly became the vessel of choice for fishermen all around Scotland’s coasts. Its dominance was ended by World War I, and by the development of steam, then diesel powered boats. Many of these graceful craft were simply left to rot on the shores – some can still be found.
Esther Swift is creating a piece bringing together community and professional musicians to evoke the boats and the communities that depended on them, the storms they weathered and the lives they led at sea and on land.
See the East Neuk Festival Website for more information.
Based on her oral history research with retired Fisherrow fishwives, Margaret will share how important their clothes, both working and dress outfits, were in creating their occupational identities. She will also share stories of the working lives of these independent businesswomen. This is also a final opportunity to see our exhibition ‘Yellow Butterflies’ before it closes on the 18th March. This event is a chance to hear snippets from Margaret’s interviews with Scottish fishwives and a chance to ask any questions you have.
A relaxed event to which anyone is welcome and refreshments will be available.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join us and have some relaxing family fun at the museum this Easter break!
Some naughty Spring chickens have escaped the nest and are roaming the museum galleries! Help us track them down in this fun free trail over the school holidays. How many Easter chicks you can find?
Let’s get crafty this Easter! Join us for some fun Easter themed crafts.
Join Kipper for storytime in our atmospheric Fisherman’s Cottage Attic
Join us and other groups for some family fun at the next roadshow.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Some naughty Spring chickens have escaped the nest and are roaming the museum galleries! Help us track them down in this fun free trail over the school holidays. Running during museum opening hours.
Free with museum admission.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from our atmospheric fishermans loft!
Free event - ask at Reception for directions
Let’s get crafty this Easter! Join us for some fun Easter themed crafts over the Easter Holidays. Free fun activities for all the family.
Free event but donations towards materials always welcome.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some seasonal book readings for children with a salty twist from our atmospheric fisherman’s loft!
Free event - ask at Reception for directions
Let’s get crafty! Join us for some fun crafts inspired by the 100 Species Exhibition. Free fun activities for all the family.
Free event but donations towards materials are always welcome.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for a story, song and activity for children with a salty twist from our activity zone in the atmospheric Zulu Gallery! .
Free event - ask at Reception for directions
We are really excited to be guest hosting St Andrews Memories group here in May with the R & A World Golf Museum and St Andrews Heritage Museum focussing on the fishing communities of Anstruther and St Andrews but sharing general memories of life on the coast in East Fife - you don’t have to be “born and bred” and you don’t have to be old!! It’s a very relaxed and friendly group sharing stories of life in the area over a cup of tea with archive photos and newspaper cuttings to help recall events and reminiscences – feel free to bring your own pictures or clippings! This event is free and starts at 2pm.
For more information click here or please feel free to drop me, Jen, a line or give me a call for more information on jen@scotfishmuseum.org or 01333 310628
Join Kirsty Strachan for this FREE 6 weeks Gaelic beginners class at the Scottish Fisheries Museum. This class will be ideal for those who have been studying on Duolingo or are brand new to the language and want to dip their toe into the water before moving to Community Use Classes. Spaces are limited so please email Kirsty.Strachan@fife.gov.uk to secure your place or call 03451 555 555 (Extension Number 460574).
Fàilte gu Gàidhlig//Welcome to Gaelic
Come to the museum for some arts and crafts. Be inspired by the creatures in our current exhibition 100 Species and create something to take home. We provide the art materials for you just have fun and be creative. What will you make?
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join our friendly cat Kipper for some stories and songs with a salty twist fortnightly on Monday afternoons every fortnight. Enjoy a story or two and sing some songs for all ages.
We have some great kid’s friendly costumes for the kids to dress up in this in-service day! A selection of our school and family dressing-up box will be available for Museum visitors young and old to try on. Get into character as a fishwife, fisherlass or fisherman. Drop-In anytime between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
We are delighted to be welcoming the Newhaven Community Choir to the Museum for two special performances in our Zulu Gallery. Inspired by our current exhibition 100 Species the Choir will perform a short concert from our Zulu beach. The choir is a community that sings together ‘connecting people and place through the joy of song’.
The Choir was founded in Spring 2014 with funds raised by Duncan Bremner of Citizen Curator. His inspiration was to re-start a choir in Newhaven which was once known for both the singing of both the Newhaven Fishwives Choir and the Fisher Lassies. The choir was started under Jed Milroy’s musical direction and travelled around several locations in Newhaven, combining song, art and spectacle. Newhaven Community Choir is a friendly and informal group and welcome anyone who would like to sing with them. The choir has performed at various events and venues including The National Portrait Gallery, Newhaven Gala Day, and Anstruther’s Dreel Halls.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Hand applique is a hand sewing technique that is creative, fun, and can be a relaxing hobby. During this workshop, you will create your own applique design inspired by our current exhibition 100 Species, learn a new skill, and have some fun along the way. This workshop is suitable for anyone aged over 13 years old.
Refreshments will be provided and all materials will be supplied.
Contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org.
This summer we are launching ‘Kipper’s Summer Club’. Come to our summer activities and help support the Museum by joining the club for only £5 per child. You’ll receive your own Club Member Card to collect stamps for each activity you participate in. Collect enough stamps and get a special prize and a badge!
Benefits include:
Read our Terms and Conditions here. Buy your Kipper Club Membership today from the Museum Shop.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Have some fun at the Museum this summer at our weekly activities and events. Events vary from crafts, storytelling to a little bit of science. Our Art Cart will be in the Zulu Gallery all summer with crafts and games to enhance your visit.
Live locally? Why not join Kipper’s Summer Club and support the Museum while collecting stamps towards a special prize! Find out more here.
We’re looking for ex-whalers, their families and the wider communities to help us create the Whalers’ Memory Bank - a digital time capsule telling the stories of whaling industry veterans in their own words.
To do this we’re hosting a workshop to hear your stories and see your photos:
To book onto the workshop email: memorybank@sght.org
Supported by: Heritage Fund UK & Heritage Fund Scotland
We’re looking for ex-whalers, their families and the wider communities to help us create the Whalers’ Memory Bank - a digital time capsule telling the stories of whaling industry veterans in their own words.
Drop in and see us - those with no direct whaling connections are also welcome!
For more information email: memorybank@sght.org
Supported by: Heritage Fund UK & Heritage Fund Scotland
Have some fun ink printing at this ASN-friendly drop-in session. Design and print a cover for your won holiday journal to keep track of your summer adventures. Design your own stamp or use ours.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
We have lots of woven baskets in the Museum. Join us at this ASN-friendly drop-in session and try weaving your own mini-basket from paper and yarn or do some paper weaving. Don’t have time to finish it? No problem you can take everything away to finish it at home.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Wind was important in powering sail boats like the Reaper. Join us and make your own kite to catch the wind. Then head to the beach to see how it will fly. Don’t have time to finish it? No problem you can take everything away to finish it at home.
All materials provided. ASN Friendly and open to all ages. Booking is Advised
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information or to reserve your place.
Explore our art collection with a conservator’s hat! Discover how conservators make decisions by looking at museum artworks. Then join us in our Education centre and make your own decisions to create your own artwork to take home or just have some arty fun.
All materials provided. Open to all ages. Booking is Advised
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information or to reserve your spot.
Have some fun with yarn and create a pom-pom crab at this ASN-friendly drop-in session. Don’t have time to finish it? Not a problem you can take all the materials away with you to finish at home.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Join our Assistant Curator to explore our collection up close! Get hands-on with museum objects and have a go at some of the activities our curators do to care for and record them.
All materials provided. ASN-Friendly and open to all ages.
Please contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Wind was important in powering sail boats like the Reaper. Join us and make your own wind spinner to catch the wind. This activity is ASN-Friendly.
All materials provided. Open to all ages.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information or to reserve your place.
Climb aboard to see how the herring, the mainstay of the Scottish fishing industry in the 19th and early 20th centuries, were caught and brought to shore..
Come below decks to visit the cabin, galley and engine room, and the fish-hold exhibition where we tell the story of the industry and the part the Reaper played.
Meet the volunteer crew and hear how they sail the Reaper today
Open selected Thursdays ans Saturdays - check the Scottish Fisheries Museum website and social media for details.
Join us for a brilliantly bonkers museum trail, part of the national Grimwood Museum Adventure with Kids in Museums and Simon & Schuster Children’s Books. The trail celebrates the release of the latest book in the Grimwood series: Party Animals, written and illustrated by Nadia Shireen. Spot as many animals as you can find, complete puzzles and build a barmy bird’s nest from objects you can spot in the museum! Complete the trail and get a free Grimwood sticker. There is also a competition to enter!
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
This summer holiday we’re taking part in Art Fund’s Kids Aloud campaign - when noisy kids are allowed to be loud! Join us every Thursday in August from 10am-3pm for our Kids Aloud timeslot, when children can be energetic and noisy whilst exploring our galleries. We’ll have a special Art Detective Trail around the galleries, our art cart will be out with fun activities and games and don’t forget our hands-on Kipper the Cat activities in the galleries. There’s no need to book, just turn up and have some noisy fun!
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Have a question about your model boat? Have a model that needs mending but don’t know how? Come and ask one of our volunteers at our ‘Bring Your Model Boat’ event. Drop in to our workshop anytime between 10am and 12 noon and ask our volunteers for their advice or any questions model related you may have.
Please contact Julia Branch on 01333 310628 or julia@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Climb aboard to see how the herring, the mainstay of the Scottish fishing industry in the 19th and early 20th centuries, were caught and brought to shore..
Come below decks to visit the cabin, galley and engine room, and the fish-hold exhibition where we tell the story of the industry and the part the Reaper played.
Meet the volunteer crew and hear how they sail the Reaper today
Open selected Thursdays and Saturdays - check the Scottish Fisheries Museum website and social media for details.
Climb aboard to see how the herring, the mainstay of the Scottish fishing industry in the 19th and early 20th centuries, were caught and brought to shore..
Come below decks to visit the cabin, galley and engine room, and the fish-hold exhibition where we tell the story of the industry and the part the Reaper played.
Meet the volunteer crew and hear how they sail the Reaper today
Open selected Thursdays and Saturdays - check the Scottish Fisheries Museum website and social media for details.
Seaweed is the inspiration behind Cally’s exhibition ‘Entanglement’ which opens at the Scottish Fisheries Museum, Anstruther on 4 August 2024. On show in the Merchant’s Room unitl 2 September - admission free.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some not-too-tricky activities to ease us into the week as the days get shorter and chillier.
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Drop in after nursery or school for relaxed crafts and stories for kids
Join Jen or Julia and Kipper the Cat and share a book or two in an atmospheric neuk of the museum with some not-too-tricky activities to ease us into the week as the days get shorter and chillier.
No booking required but let us know if you are planning to come along if you can - it helps us plan!
A suggested donation of £1 towards cost of materials etc. always appreciated.
Contact Jen on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more info.
Join Kipper the Cat for some spooky stories in our fishermen’s loft
Suitable for children aged 5 - 10.
Free but donations always welcome.
Join Kipper the Cat for some spooky stories in our fishermen’s loft
Suitable for children aged 5 - 10.
Free but donations always welcome.
Kipper will be on hand to help with a range of autumnal arty and crafty activities in the museum
Suitable for children aged 5 - 10.
Free but donations towards materials always welcome.
Lots of family-friendly activities for all ages: scavenger hunt, arts and crafts, fun, games, stories and more!
Drop by our stall and get stuck in with our potato-printing activity
Our cheeky wee mascot Kipper the Cat is getting into the festive spirit and playing a game of hide and seek in the galleries - can you help us find him?
Please contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org for more information.
Pop in for for a Hot Chocolate and listen to a wintry tale or two while you make your own Christmas cards, decorations or wrapping paper.
Booking not essential but it’s helpful to know if you’re planning to come.
Children aged 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult
Contact Jen on jen@scotfishmuseum.org or 01333 310628 more more info.
Join award winning poet Garry MacKenzie for this workshop to create poetry and play with language through collage poetry!
Collage poetry is creating new works by using already written phrases and building something new. This playful form helps explore how to construct writing and how the collage form can affect how it is read. We will take inspiration from our temporary exhibition ‘Buckhaven’s Hidden Harbour’ and use phrases about the fishing industry and what life was like for those who have jobs at sea and onshore.
Family friendly but recommended for children over 8 years old.
For more information contact Jen Gordon on 01333 310628 or jen@scotfishmuseum.org. We are grateful to The Scottish Book Trust for funding this workshop through Live Literature Funding.