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Home > Clubs & Community > Model Boat Club

A relatively recent addition to the Museum is a thriving Model Boat Club. This was formed in June 2008 as a compliment to the vast collection of model boats within the Museum.

Lady Fiona by A Whitfield

Lady Fiona by A Whitfield

Currently there is a nucleus of 25 members of the club who regularly meet to build, sail and share experiences of building model boats. Access to the Museum’s vast reference library and archive on the fishing industry can be arranged. The Club has its own library available to members. Members’ interests cover all aspects of model boating, from fishing boats to ships in bottles.

Find out more about the Club, its members and its models in the blog Wee boats, big history by Caroline Vining.


The club originally used Cellardyke Outdoor Pool as a sailing venue. An inaugural event in May of 2008 saw a few sailing “fifies” from the Museum collection take to the water there for the first time in 70 years. However, owing to diffculites in accessing the pool, an alternative home for the Club has been found at Craigtoun Park, St Andrews. The park offers a large pond with easy access to sail model boats, along with a wooden shelter providing cover in the event of inclement weather. The club meets at this new location on Sunday mornings between 10am and 12 noon during the summer months.

The SFM MBC thank the Friends of Craigtoun Park for their help and encouragement in this venture.


An experimental boating pool has been set up from time to time in the Museum courtyard and the club has created a small display of members’ models within the Museum’s Historic Boatyard. An exhibition of models is now a feature of the Museum’s Annual Open Day and the Anstruther Harbour Festival. Further events are planned.


New members are always welcome - please contact one of the Club officers for more information on how to join.

Model Boat Club at Craigtoun Park

Model Boat Club at Craigtoun Park

Contacts for further information :

MBC Chairman

Bill Horsburgh

Tel: 01333 730657


MBC Secretary

Iane Duncan

Tel: 01333 310182


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