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The Long Haul: a generational study of fishing in the East Neuk

4 August - 17 September 2023

 -  by Linda Fitzpatrick Exhibitions

The Long Haul: a generational study of fishing in the East Neuk
The Long Haul: a generational study of fishing in the East Neuk

Photography, film and audio by Liam Dickson following generations of fishermen working Fife’s coastline from the young men doing it today, to the people who have been doing it all their lives, to those looking back.

This project looks at the generations from their perspective – Why do they fish, and what is it like? The freedom it provides, the love of the sea, the respect for it and the moments that inspire them.

4 August - 17 September 2023

Zulu Gallery

Entry included in Museum Admission

One of a series of exhibitions and events shown in venues around the East Neuk of Fife from Scotland ReDistilled. See full details at:


The Scottish Fisheries Museum Trust Ltd
St Ayles, Harbourhead, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3AB
Tel (within UK): 01333 310628
Tel (from outside UK): +44 1333 310628
Charity Number: SC 006185 VAT Reg Number: 270 2790 64
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